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What would he know about KillZone 2 not coming this month or next month
oh thats right nothing cause he pretty much know's nothing period!.

6413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lie about this game saying that this game is on top for any gamer
in Japan.

6414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shown not even close.

6414d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

And all and plus thats the only next generation console that I have bought, when I get a PS3 I would be playing more on the PS3 then that terrible 360 the only reason there's more 360's out there that have been sold because there are bored people that would buy the system but don't actually love it just like me well I wasn't actually bored but I really wanted the PS3 but of course that took a long time, but I went ahead and bought myself a 360 before the PS3 even came out so yeah and plus alo...

6415d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

About downloading a background for your PS3 and why would anyone think this is news I don't think alot of PS3 owners change the background on the PS3 online anyway probably few but not all.

6415d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No wonder you only see it on DOA4 and thats it and also
Mortal Kombat from current generations the online games for
fighting games is just a useless feature that doesn't even
need one.

6416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't be talking, you 360 fans do the samething to you arrogant fool even alot of the engineers agree that the PS3 is superior and the 360 is just a plain old console that barely has nothing new in it no raw power doe's any game developers say that to the 360 that it has raw power I don't think so unless you can back up your words before you type it down and even the anayls agree's that the PS3 has raw power so what is your claim that the 360 has that makes it so superior when in reality...

6417d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everybody know's that the 360 isn't even perfect either
considering not even 512MB isn't even enough for playing crysis lol if the 360 is all that powerful you would think that retarded system would be able to play Crysis so yeah there you go and plus this is just one of the problems that the PS3 just shown even I know that probably in the near future there's going to be problems with the next update on Xbox Live PS3 clearly has better graphics in the graphics departement showing that ...

6417d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And XGamer are just gamers what would they know about gaming anyway and I highly doubt that you work for Nintendo when anybody can say I have a 61' TV and I work for Nintendo lol what kind of moron would actually believe that I minus tell you that I have my own company and I'm richer then Bill Gates only secretly.

6417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That can handle this kind of graphics comparing this to Resistance Fall of Man the PS3 can handle this only the would have to modify the game so it can play for the PS3.

6417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 doesn't have better detail then the PS3 considering you 360 fans are alway's dulisonal about it and plus that goe's to show you that websites such as GameSpot are such liers or getting paid by Microsoft to just say Sony's system is inferior can you honestly say that your believing every word that Microsoft is saying I'mean lets face it Microsoft isn't a holy company that is giving a holy system and plus everyboby know's that PS3 has way more lighting and shaders to back it up while the 36...

6417d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That Oblivion is getting downgraded considering that
journalist these day's will twist the words coming out of game creators mouth or programmers mouth and not actually put the real statement that they should've put down on what that game creator said or programmer and plus I haven't yet seen a computer that has 4096MB if you can prove it that is benisme

and plus 360 has limitations on its own even with 512MB thats not going to be good enough and plus to prove it even in Gea...

6418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats made by america I'mean after all the whole world blames
america going rushing into war in iraq so why not with american products to as well american products never do turn out so well.

6418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I have played the demo of the game and you must be that
extremely retarded for you 2 to make up such crapy! excuse saying the game is great when in reality its complete rubbish Xi either you shut up or I'll make you Horse sh1t! considering thats what you guy's are feeding on Microsoft

and plus I am right you 360 fans would think every game
on the 360 is awesome when you know its not.

6419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disaster I doubt japan likes this game like that
time when they had that article saying that japan likes Gears of War when clearly Gears of War is the samething with slow ass! action and slow pasting characters that can't run 25 miles per hour as they are suppose to this article is just all talk and no proof

the graphics on this game is just plain retarded and the sound of the weapons sound extremely weak this game got lied to big time.

6419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Icryo he's one considering Xbox 360 is just going to be the next gayass system in the world and its the samething with Contra26.

and PS3 is no where near close as the dreamcast this guy in the article is so stupid he wouldn't know what other parts of the graphics card that the PS3 has compared to dreamcast.

6419d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kind of graphics and plus I haven't yet one see a 360 game that can achieve this kind of level this maybe CG true but the in game looks exactly like this only its in game and not CG and nobody can't deny in what Square Enix said saying that the almost looks like prerendered CG and you 360 fans are just jealous or just in denial 247 and need to stop smoking the denial "crack".

6419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In what Sony say's is a lie considering that Microsoft lie's to as well and by the way the RSX graphics chip is not 420Mhz its 550 this is not even real facts! so of course the graphics chip on the PS3 is more powerful on that in the 360 and FYI your an idiot!.

6420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Getting started and plus the game developers hasn't even fully used the Cell on the games that they have made like using the Cell graphics to as well and combining it with RSX

and Xi you must be kidding if you think that GT is playing catchup when clearly thats a lie lol Forza 2 is the one that is playing catchup trying to be the best racing game ever that game is just trying to be like GT so what are you talking about!.

6420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It mulitplatform No! and of course theres those 2 360 fans that think that Gundam sucks comparing deepbrown and andapaul88 saying oh Gears of War is so much fun when clearly that game sucked so many balls! all of you 360 fans would buy any slow pasting ass! game that wasn't even nearly that fun and was overly exaggerated that game was so retardedly gay! and its going to be the samething with Halo 3

Gundam games kick Gears of Wars ass anyday with there big weaponry and Gears of ...

6420d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment